Wednesday, January 2, 2013

On Day Two

Today, I have solidified my top goal for this year: I want to be able to walk every day. Not that I want to "work-out" or spend half an hour hitting the streets...I mean I don't want to lose any days by not being able to walk! Last year I missed out on Easter because I was flat on my back in bed, unable to walk.

This year I want to be able to walk Every Day.

Some of the things I will do, and maybe you want to join me: stretching/yoga every day, hip mobility exercises, and eating right to "encourage" weight loss (losing weight is not the goal, but I won't object). Hip mobility exercise is usually walking in the summer, and while it is stoopidly cold outside - stationary bike. I'm up to about 35-45 minutes a day. Goal of 1 hour every day by January 15.

On the fabric front, I might have made a "Scrappy Trip" block. Join the "trip along" here. I think I could hide some fuglies very easily in a busy quilt like this.

I also want to redesign and complete my Green Monstrosity quilt. It has been sitting in a basket in pieces for 9 months or so. I have succeeded in intimidating myself by the size of my own design. Now I will make it smaller - and possibly quilt it in four pieces before finishing with binding.

I'm toying with the idea of posting a goal every day, and having my Readers follow along. Would you be up for it? Or perhaps a goal every week? It'll be stuff that we all can do, should do, and probably already do but we need to be reminded that we're on the right track. Stuff like "drink more water" and "ten deep breaths" and "clean out your hall closet."

Anybody want to join me?

I can tell Pixie will not be watching calories. Lately, she has been choosing her activities for herself. She puts on her own snowsuit and asks me to open the door instead of asking me if she can play outside. She pulls a chair up to the counter and starts measuring sugar instead of asking me if she can bake cookies. She decides she's hungry and goes to the fridge for carrots instead of asking me if she can have a snack.

In a home where there are no paper towels, newspaper fills in for greasy jobs like bacon and cookies.
She's growing up! She's only three....

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