Saturday, February 4, 2012

Happy Punk

Today was a productive day.

We made a huge pot of meat sauce for freezing. We baked gluten-free bread and whole potatoes for future frying. We had a veggie filled frittata for lunch.

I might have broken my camera today. I curse its' inability to take a picture when I tell it to, and then snap when I'm not ready. I had a temper tantrum and smashed it.

It felt good to smash this camera. It'll feel even better when I get a new one and replace it.

 One of the problems with having an autistic child is their inability to look into someone's eyes (human or camera). It happens so rarely that I need a very fast camera to capture it.

Camera and Punk outsmarted: two points for me.

New dress to wear to Sunday School: bonus for my Punk.

1 comment:

  1. you will NEVER take a good picture if you smash the camera!!! Deep breath.... let it out S L O W L E Y xxx


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