Friday, February 3, 2012


I did not plan to take a break this week. I planned to sew.

I planned to get back to work on the Irish Chain for the Husband: I'm still hoping to have it finished by Valentine's Day. I also planned to make a dress for my Punk because she requested it.

We did go fabric shopping and bought a sweet butterfly print and some green and purple polka dots. The Punk's favorite colour is green.

We also suffered through a grocery shopping trip that completely filled the back of my van even with the stow-and-go seats hidden. The Husband had dental surgery. My mom lost a job opportunity. After having the Punk on gluten-free for a month we gave her a trial with gluten (big mistake). I have been having enough inner ear problems to cause my balance to shift.

The buttons are chrome, not black.
For better or for worse, Life Happened.

I promised the Punk that she could wear her new dress for Sunday School this week. I'd better get cracking!

1 comment:

  1. sounds like you need some sewing to re-"balence" yourself xx


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